2022年4月18日 星期一

"Unexpected beginning of statement mysql" when coping excel content to phpmyadmin

 There are quite many reference in Google that "Unexpected beginning of statement mysql" is casued by various careless mistake.

However, I experienced a situation that when I export a CSV from phpmyadmin, and do some equation in excel, when I try to paste the SQL statement into phpmyadmin, it shows "Unexpected beginning of statement mysql" .

 ERROR existed in my SQL statement over 70 times, and there's no careless mistake in my statement.

When I retype the SQL statement , it success, means that there's no error in my SQL statment.

The problem is because the "SPACE" character in the excel, after retype all " " (space) in my equation, the SQL statement success to run in phpmyadmin.





  大家好,想和大家分享我與白蝕, 白癜風(vitiligo)抗爭的經歷, 這抗爭於今天開始, 立此Blog 以作紀錄。   2024-08-14 這個故事開始於三年前, 三年前,也就是新冠肺炎初期,當時我剛買了新車,在駕駛過程中突然發現了手上皮膚的異常。我注意到了皮膚的出現了...