2024年8月19日 星期一



大家好,想和大家分享我與白蝕, 白癜風(vitiligo)抗爭的經歷, 這抗爭於今天開始, 立此Blog 以作紀錄。



這個故事開始於三年前, 三年前,也就是新冠肺炎初期,當時我剛買了新車,在駕駛過程中突然發現了手上皮膚的異常。我注意到了皮膚的出現了白斑。

當時我去看了皮膚科,情況還不是很嚴重,手上只有一個圓圈和幾個白點。醫生說是白蝕, 但並沒有給出大的治療方案,因為當時只出現在手上, 只是開了一些藥膏。不過,醫生也提到,在手上使用這些藥膏的效果可能不會很明顯。他說如果白斑出現在臉上或其他位置,效果可能會較好,到時可以再找他治療。


  1. 開著新車時陽光直射,同時空調冷風吹在手上。
  2. 疫情期間頻繁洗手,使用各種洗手液和搓手液,長期戴口罩等。








  • 使用淘寶購買的藥膏
  • 服用複合維生素B和鋅
  • 使用他克莫司(Protopic)
  • 購買308nm紫外光燈




深圳治療經歷 2024-08-12


  • 驗血:188元
  • 紫外光燈、塗藥、激光:2580元
  • 藥品:480元

他們還建議我注射蛋白針,但因為費用太高沒有進行 (每支針1000元, 按體重要打6支)。


  • 脾氨肽口服凍干粉
  • 複方甘草酸苷膠囊
  • 克林淨白癜風丸
  • 維阿露複方卡力孜然酊

整個過程並不是甚麼快樂的過程, 人生路不熟, 費用高昂, 山長水遠, 醫生也告訴療程是漫長, 每星期一次, 可能要10次才有成效, 在深圳打針也未過到自己的心理關口。

而治療過了兩天, 並沒有出現任何變化, 而藥品食了和沒有食是沒有分別的, 如所有人所言, 過程是漫長的, 所以現時仍在預期失望中。




  1. 繼續使用已購買的藥品
  2. 每天服用複合維生素B和鋅
  3. 每天早晚塗抹他克莫司(Protopic)
  4. 每三天使用一次308nm紫外光燈







2023年11月17日 星期五

FireTV 安裝額外 APK

開啟 Developer Option

Setting - My Fire TV - About 按七次「ok」

Delveloper Option - Allow Unknown Source

使用 https://aftv.news/ 製作縮短網址


安裝 Downloader


nPlayer TV 版

AFTVNews Code: 173615



AFTVNews Code: 755418

秒看TV 海外






2023年7月2日 星期日

Migrating Evernote Notes to Notion: A Step-by-Step Guide

Notion has emerged as a popular and versatile productivity app that many users are considering as an alternative to Evernote. If you have tried using Notion's default migration tool and found that some of your notes are missing or if you have a large number of notes that can't be exported all at once (Evernote's export function is limited to 100 notes at a time), this guide is for you.

In this blog post, we will walk you through a step-by-step process to migrate your notes from Evernote to Notion using two open-source tools: `evernote-backup` and `enex2notion`. These tools address the limitations of the default migration methods and ensure a more accurate and efficient transfer of your notes.


Before getting started, make sure you have the following:

1. A computer with Python 3 installed.
2. An Evernote account with your notes.
3. A Notion account.
4. Google Chrome browser.

Step 1: Install and run `evernote-backup`

`evernote-backup` is a Python script that helps you export your Evernote notes to ENEX files, which are XML-based files used for exporting and importing notes in Evernote.

1. Open your command prompt or terminal and run the following command to install `evernote-backup`:

pip install evernote-backup

2. Next, authorize the script to access your Evernote account by running:

evernote-backup init-db
evernote-backup sync

Follow the instructions in the terminal to complete the authorization process.

3. Now, execute the following command to export your Evernote notes to ENEX files:

evernote-backup export --output /evernote

Replace `/path/to/output/folder` with the desired path where you want to save your exported notes.

Step 2: Install and run `enex2notion`

`enex2notion` is another Python script that converts ENEX files to Notion-compatible format and imports them into your Notion account.

1. Install `enex2notion` by running:

pip install enex2notion

2. Visit notion.so and see one of your notes.


3. Retrieve your Notion `token_v2` cookie from Google Chrome:

- Open Google Chrome and navigate to [Notion](https://www.notion.so/).
- Log in to your Notion account if you haven't already.
- Right-click anywhere on the page and select "Inspect" to open the Developer Tools.
- Click on the "Application" tab in the Developer Tools.
- In the left sidebar, expand the "Cookies" section and click on the "https://www.notion.so" item.
- Find the "token_v2" cookie in the table on the right and copy the "Value" field.

4. Finally, run the following command to import your notes to Notion:

enex2notion --token "your_token_v2" /evernote/notes.enex

Replace `/evernote/notes.enex` with the path to the ENEX file you exported from Evernote, `"https://www.notion.so/my/new/page"` with the URL of your new Notion page, and `"your_token_v2"` with your actual `token_v2` value.

Repeat this step for each ENEX file if you have multiple files.

I use Google Spreedsheets for multiple files, like:
enex2notion --token "TOKEN" notebook.enex
enex2notion --token "TOKEN" computer.enex
enex2notion --token "TOKEN" wedding.enex


5. It takes time for the migration, but the results is really great.


That's it! You have now successfully migrated your Evernote notes to Notion using `evernote-backup` and `enex2notion`. Remember to check your notes in Notion to ensure everything has been imported correctly. You can now start enjoying the powerful features of Notion and customize your workspace as you see fit.

Please note that this process might not import certain Evernote-specific features, such as reminders and tags, but your notes' content should be intact. If you encounter any issues or need help, consult the documentation of the respective tools or reach out to the developers on GitHub.

2023年4月30日 星期日

2023年3月16日 星期四

Adding infinite scrolling to Shopify - Collection Pages - Dawn Theme

Following the instruction:

- You should duplication theme before applying changes.

- Online Shop - Theme - Edit Code

- You could use search function to look for specific files:

Step 1: Download Source File



Step 2:  (Line 5)

Then add this script tag in main-collection-product-grid.liquid near the other asset_url tags:


{{% 'ajaxinate.min.js' | asset_url | script_tag  %}}
 Step 3: (Near Line 195)
 Add this script right before the schema starts in main-collection-product-grid.liquid to create a new ajaxinate instance.
const endlessCollection = new Ajaxinate({
container: '#product-grid',
pagination: '.infinite_next',
 Step 4 : (Near Line 62)
Add class = "infinite_next" inside <li> tag 

Step: 5 (Near Line 1)


const endlessCollection = new Ajaxinate({
container: '#product-grid',
pagination: '.infinite_next',
Bonus Step:  To make "loading" to "..."


  大家好,想和大家分享我與白蝕, 白癜風(vitiligo)抗爭的經歷, 這抗爭於今天開始, 立此Blog 以作紀錄。   2024-08-14 這個故事開始於三年前, 三年前,也就是新冠肺炎初期,當時我剛買了新車,在駕駛過程中突然發現了手上皮膚的異常。我注意到了皮膚的出現了...